Frequently Asked Questions

What is a medical symptom checker?

A medical symptom checker is an online tool that helps individuals diagnose their symptoms based on the information they provide. The tool uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyze the symptoms and provide possible diagnoses and treatment options.

Is Mediverse safe and secure?

Mediverse is designed with security and privacy in mind, and uses encryption and other security measures to protect patient data. The system is also compliant with relevant data protection regulations.

Is Mediverse available in multiple languages?

Yes, Mediverse is available in multiple languages to support patients and healthcare providers around the world. As of now, the system supports in several languages, including English, Malay, and Chinese.

How is Mediverse medical symptom checker built?
A symptom checker is typically built using a combination of natural language processing, machine learning, and medical knowledge databases. The first step in building a symptom checker is to collect medical data and knowledge, including information on symptoms, diseases, treatments, and outcomes. This data may be collected from medical literature, electronic health records, patient surveys, and other sources. Natural language processing (NLP) is used to analyze and understand patient symptoms and descriptions. This involves breaking down the text into individual words and phrases, identifying key concepts, and interpreting the meaning of the text. Machine learning is used to train the symptom checker to recognize patterns and make accurate diagnoses. This involves using algorithms to analyze large amounts of data and identify correlations between symptoms and diseases. A medical knowledge database is used to provide context and accuracy to the symptom checker. This database includes information on diseases, treatments, and other medical concepts, and is used to inform the machine learning algorithms. Lastly, it is to integrate the different components of the symptom checker into a cohesive system. This involves testing and validating the system to ensure that it is accurate, effective, and user-friendly. Overall, building a symptom checker requires expertise in both medical knowledge and AI technology. It is a complex process that involves multiple stages and requires ongoing testing and refinement to ensure accuracy and effectiveness.
Is the information provided by the medical symptom checker confidential?

Yes, the information provided by the medical symptom checker is confidential and is not shared with third parties unless required by law. The company takes privacy and security seriously and implements appropriate measures to protect the user’s personal and medical information.

Is the medical symptom checker available on all devices?

The medical symptom checker is available on most devices with an internet connection, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The company provides a responsive design that adapts to the device being used for optimal user experience.

Why Symptom Checker cannot be used to replace / substitute a visit to the healthcare professionals?

Medical symptom checkers should not be used as a replacement for seeing a doctor for several reasons. A symptom checker can only provide a general idea of possible conditions based on the symptoms entered by the user. It does not have access to a person’s complete medical history or physical examination, which is crucial for making an accurate diagnosis. The accuracy of a symptom checker is dependent on the quality of its algorithms and data. While many symptom checkers are based on reliable medical information, there is always a chance that the results may not be accurate or up-to-date. Symptom checker provides general information that may not be tailored to a person’s specific situation. A doctor, on the other hand, can provide personalized advice and treatment options based on a person’s unique medical history and current health status. It cannot perform a physical examination, which is an important aspect of diagnosing a condition. A doctor can physically examine a person, check for signs and symptoms, and use diagnostic tests to make a more accurate diagnosis. It cannot provide treatment options or prescribe medication. Only a licensed healthcare professional can do so. In conclusion, a medical symptom checker should be used as a starting point for identifying potential health issues, but it should not be used as a replacement for seeing a doctor. Consulting a doctor is essential for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Is the medical symptom checker available to the public?

Yes, the medical symptom checker is available to the public through a web-based platform or mobile application. Users can create an account and begin using the tool to assess their symptoms and receive potential diagnoses and other features as listed.

How is a Mediverse medical symptom checker validated?

Mediverse medical symptom checker is typically validated through clinical research, which involves testing the tool with real patients and comparing the results to those of trained medical professionals. Prospective validation is a type of clinical research that involves testing the tool in a real-world setting with real patients and healthcare providers.

How was the Mediverse medical symptom checker validated with real patient-doctor prospective validation clinical research?

The Mediverse medical symptom checker was validated through a clinical study that involved testing the tool with a group of patients and healthcare providers. The study was designed to evaluate the accuracy of the symptom checker and compare it to the diagnoses made by trained medical professionals.

What is the market size of artificial intelligence in healthcare industry?

According to a report by Grand View Research published in January 2022, the global AI in healthcare market size was valued at USD 7.8 billion in 2020; USD 15.4 billion in 2022.

It is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.5% from 2023 to 2030, reaching USD 208.2 billion by 2030, owing to the growing datasets of patient health-related information, advancing healthcare IT infrastructure, and growing need for accurate and early disease diagnosis.

In the Asia region, the market size of AI for healthcare is also expected to grow rapidly. According to a report by Research and Markets, the Asia-Pacific AI in healthcare market was valued at USD 1.49 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 44.8% from 2021 to 2028. By 2028, the market size is expected to reach USD 16.68 billion.

Can I use Mediverse during an emergency situation?

No, Mediverse is not designed to be used in emergency situations. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, you should call your local emergency services number or go to the nearest emergency department immediately. Mediverse is intended to provide guidance and information for non-emergency situations and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

How does a medical symptom checker work?

The medical symptom checker works by asking the user a series of questions about their symptoms, such as location, duration, and severity. The tool then uses the information provided to generate a list of possible diagnoses, triage and education for patients.

How will medical data be stored by Mediverse?
Sensitive medical data should be encrypted to protect it from unauthorized access or hacking. This can be done using encryption algorithms that scramble the data and make it unreadable without the appropriate decryption key. Only authorized personnel should have access to medical data stored in an AI system. This can be done using secure authentication methods, such as usernames and passwords, two-factor authentication, or biometric authentication. Regular backups of AI medical data are performed to ensure that it can be recovered in case of a system failure or data loss. The physical storage devices used for AI medical data, such as hard drives or servers are kept in secure locations with restricted access. AI medical data storage is compliant with relevant regulations, such as PDPA, which sets standards for protecting the privacy and security of medical information. The storage and use of AI medical data are done in an ethical manner, taking into account the rights and privacy of individuals. This may involve obtaining informed consent from patients and regularly reviewing the storage and use of medical data to ensure that it is done in a responsible and ethical manner. By following these best practices, Mediverse can ensure that AI medical data is stored securely and ethically, protecting the privacy and well-being of individuals.
Is a medical symptom checker a substitute for a doctor's visit?

No, a medical symptom checker should not be considered a substitute for a doctor’s visit. While it can provide helpful information about possible diagnoses and treatment options, it is not a substitute for a professional medical opinion. It is always recommended to seek medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. It is only meant to provide general information and should not be used as a diagnostic tool. If you are experiencing persistent and worrisome symptoms, it is always best to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

How accurate is a medical symptom checker?

The accuracy of a medical symptom checker varies and can be influenced by several factors, such as the quality of data used to train the AI algorithms and the complexity of the symptoms being diagnosed. It is important to keep in mind that the information provided by a medical symptom checker is not a substitute for a professional medical opinion and should be used as a starting point for further research or consultation with a doctor.

What are the benefits of using a medical symptom checker?

The benefits of using a medical symptom checker include the convenience of being able to quickly access information about possible diagnoses and treatment options from the comfort of your own home, as well as the ability to get a general idea of what might be causing your symptoms without having to visit a doctor.

How is the information on medical symptom checkers updated?

The information on medical symptom checkers is typically updated by a team of healthcare professionals and medical experts. This ensures that the information is up-to-date and based on the latest medical knowledge.

What are the potential benefits of Mediverse?

There are several potential benefits of using a medical symptom checker:

Convenience: A symptom checker can be accessed from anywhere at any time, making it a convenient way to get information about potential health issues.

Quick Identification: A symptom checker can provide a list of possible conditions based on the symptoms entered, which can help users quickly identify potential health issues.

Increased Awareness: By using a symptom checker, individuals can become more aware of their symptoms and possible conditions, which can lead to earlier detection and treatment of health issues.

Empowerment: A symptom checker can empower individuals by providing them with access to reliable health information. This can help individuals make informed decisions about their health and take an active role in managing their well-being.

Time-saving: A symptom checker can save time as individuals can get information about potential health issues quickly, without having to wait for a doctor’s appointment or visit a hospital.
It’s important to keep in mind that a medical symptom checker should not be used as a replacement for seeing a doctor, but it can be a helpful tool for individuals looking to get information about potential health issues.

How is Mediverse Symptom Checker being patient-centered and friendly to use?
Mediverse is using a user-centered design approach that involves understanding the needs and preferences of patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers. This can involve conducting user research, gathering feedback, and incorporating user input throughout the design process. We also ensure that the symptom checker is easy to use and understand for patients of different ages, backgrounds, and health literacy levels using clear language and intuitive design to make the tool accessible to all users. We allow patients to personalize their experience with the symptom checker by providing options to customize the tool based on their preferences and needs. This includes changing language and translation. Mediverse also ensure that the symptom checker adheres to ethical standards and protects patient privacy and confidentiality. This can include obtaining informed consent, providing transparent information on data collection and use, and complying with relevant regulations and guidelines.
Why is prospective validation important for Mediverse medical symptom checker?

Prospective validation is important because it provides real-world evidence of the accuracy and effectiveness of the Mediverse medical symptom checker. It ensures that the tool works as intended in a real-world setting and provides reliable diagnoses that are comparable to those made by trained medical professionals.

What were the results of the clinical study?

The results of the clinical study showed that the Mediverse medical symptom checker was highly accurate and provided reliable diagnoses that were comparable to those made by trained medical professionals. The tool was able to identify a wide range of medical conditions and provide appropriate treatment recommendations. Kindly refer to Mediverse’s Research and Publication column for more information.

Who developed Mediverse?

Mediverse is developed by a group of Malaysian doctors. The development team includes medical professionals with expertise in various fields of medicine, as well as AI experts with a focus on machine learning and natural language processing. The system is designed to be patient-centered, with a focus on providing accurate and useful information to users. Due to the fact of Mediverse is developed by a team of medical professionals and AI experts, we focus on accuracy and reliability of our system. Our system is regularly updated with the latest medical research and information, and the developers work closely with healthcare professionals to ensure that the symptom checker is effective in a clinical setting.

Can Mediverse diagnose medical conditions and provide treatment?

Mediverse is an AI-powered symptom checker that can provide users with potential diagnoses based on their reported symptoms. However, it is important to note that the system is not designed to provide a definitive diagnosis, and users should always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for a full evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. Mediverse is not intended to be used for self-diagnosis or self-treat. The system is designed to provide users with information and guidance, but it is not a replacement for a consultation with a qualified healthcare provider.